This may get me in trouble with collectors posing as purists, but, I couldn't care less about Cap'n Cold and Toyman. I might as well buy a set and give those two with Y-chromosomes away.
Unless you've got a big "S" nor a flying rat emblazoned on your chest, I'm not interested... at least not at the moment.
Oooohkay, back to the ladies.
Thumbnails and smaller images just wouldn't do justice (Oops, unintentional pun) to the details in these two fine figures (Damn! Another pun!) So for argument's sake, I'm posting the original images as borrowed from DC Direct.

I fell in love with the two upon sight immediately! If I was a toddler who didn't have the moolah to buy them, I wouldn't stop crying my lungs out until my parents give in and get Kara and Barbara for me. I'm dead serious about that one! Really!
Just look at their faces... ok, their bodies too. They are two of the best (if not the best) sculpts I've seen in figures shorter than 7 inches. Japanese female toy figures are longer than 7 inches right? ^_^
Do I even need to say that Ms. Zor-el and Ms. Gordon are must-buys for me? I didn't think so.
BTW, click on the images above to go straight to DC Direct's pages.
Bry and Tessa (get well soon you two!), yes I'm blogging at 3 in the morning while listening to bossa nova versions of VST songs! Potah! ^_^
Was quite surprised that I saw "4 hours ago" under your blog name on my blog roll. So I clicked and thought I'd find some true evidence for this. And I did... Adik!
Argh! I just lifted my moratorium on buying comic books (I just had to read Up, Up, and Away in its entirety already, and so I bought a copy at MIBF. Also I needed to get well, right? ^^), but with these figures, do I dare lift my moratorium on buying action figures? Dilemma, dilemma...
Check this out!
@Bry, I knew you couldn't resist posting a comment! ^_^
Thanks for the link! But that Iron Man from HT is waaaaay outta my league... for now. LOL!
@Tess, the answer should be "YES!" Lift the moratorium!!! These figures would be cool additions to your DCD collection! :)
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